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AgainstTheGrain |
Re: Warcraft2 Festival |

Регистрация: 9.8.05
Сообщений: 355
Откуда: Москва
ООО, запостил уже. Повторюсь. War2 Festival Updates Alright everyone, we are only days away from the Festival and have over 100 players signed up who plan to compete over this weekend. We have the sign up pages for the Tournaments now set up, and if you plan on being in them at all, please go ahead and register your name in to save us time. Location of both Tournaments will be on the USWEST Server in channel op War2Festival
http://cgi6.igl.net/tourney/war2bne/4150071/ 2x2 Fixed Partners Tournament July 28th 6:30 Check ins begin
http://cgi6.igl.net/tourney/war2bne/4072878/ 1x1 GOW Tournament, $$ Prize, July 30th 5:30 Check ins begin Warvid is required from Semi-Finals on, and in the Tournament if you are requested a SS you must take one (and if your the one doing the Requesting make sure you SS yourself requesting the SS)
If you do not have an IGL Account yet to sign up for this Festival, you can easily get one here:
http://myleague.com/php/page.php?p=signup&t=myleague&lng=eng&l=war2bne&g=cl&svr=cgi6&pl= ----- Now to meeting up during the festival. If your a player who likes BNE Maps then you need to head to channel War2 Ladder Challenges (On the USWEST) and thats where players will be who like you types of maps. ---- As far as other games go for Custom Players who are signing up for this Tournament, you will need to go to channel's Warcraft II USA-1 , USA-2 etc. and you will find other custom players for the weekend. --- Also we can still use some donation money for 3rd place prize if anyone is still willing to donate. We want to raise $50. So if you can send it through paypal please send it to dwaxe1@yahoo.com . Thanks! --- In order for the Festival to be a success you will need to be stay logging onto the USWEST throughout the whole weekend. We want to pack the place full of players. The Tournaments are just bonus! We will be having players from all over the World coming to this Festival, so it should be a blast. --- If you still know anyone out there who is not signed up please get them, and the following info off of them:
War2 AKA: Favorite Map: EMAIL Address (Optional, if you want updates on the Festival): Years Played: Servers Played On: --- I WILL SEE YOU JULY 28TH-JULY 30TH! --- Big names signed up for the Festival so far: Ash,Summoner,Kanuks,Ganz,Lothar Zone,Viruz,Valkrie,Shinta,Poonat,Tyrus,Hott_in_Herr,KingMage, SoCxWarchief and many others!
P.S. Ldir, на этот день у меня уже тонна дел. Но и не в этом суть. Я еще в своем уме, чтобы не считать что после 5 лет я играю достойно, а если на первое место не претендую -- хрен ли мне там делать? :) Погонять могу (может как-нить по трезвяку даже получится), но говорить о серьезной игре с моей стороны -- смешно. А тем, кто в форме и записался на фестиваль -- удачи! P.S. GADzila, я разочаровываюсь в твоем устремлении к спотру и завязыванию с бухлом :D
-- I'll mantain against the grain.. |
» 20.7.06 11:41 |
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